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About The Trading Toolbox

Welcome to The Trading Toolbox, a place to help you improve your trading. My name is Eric and I am a psychiatrist with a passion for trading. I’ve learned a lot through trading, a lot about myself, about the world, about how people function. The personal growth I’ve experienced rivals that of the best and greatest therapy we have.

In my trading journey, I’ve trained with professional traders through the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management (ITPM). I’ve been wanting to share the lessons I’ve learned about trading from the perspective of a psychiatrist. However, I didn’t want to take away from my job or my training in trading. Recently, ITPM opened an affiliate program that would allow me to share my insights in the psychology of trading in a cash flow positive way. I back the ITPM program 100% and you can learn more here.

However, the way that works best for YOU is all about understanding YOUR weaknesses and YOUR strengths. Once you’ve figured that out, you’ll create processes to lessen your weaknesses and magnify your strengths. These are the “tools” I want to help you build. I hope you find the content helpful for your trading journey.

FAQ: My Personal Returns January 7, 2024
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