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Training your Brain for Big Gains

Eric December 11, 2023

Do you ever wonder if people who make BIG money in trading have their brains wired differently? Do you ever wonder if it is something that can be learned? Before I go into how to “Train your Brain for Big Gains,” I want to share a story with you:

I was chatting with a friend who did very well in Crypto. He made something like 300% from his original investment. Even better, he luckily pulled out at the height, solidifying his gains. He’s currently taking it easy right now and taking care of his family. However, he still has the itch and wants to go back in to the markets to make even bigger gains.

However, he’s not sure if he can repeat the process.

When we were chatting, I made a point that really opened his eyes. I said, “Even if you have a sharpe ratio of 3:1, it suggests that in order for you to to make 300%, you need to have risked something like 100%” 

His mind was blown and he needed a moment to absorb the information. It made him realize that he actually potentially took on more risk than he bargained for. Most people don’t think of big gains this way. This is super critical for long-term success.

Why is this statement so important?

Let’s get some definitions down.

Compare these two investments:

Investment A

You make 40% but you risked 60% to make 40%

Investment B

You make 20% but you risked 10% to make 20%

Which is better?

I hope that intuitively, making 20% while only risking 10% is better than making 40% and risking 60%, everything else being equal.

Why is that?

Again, I hope this is all intuitive because the next step is the big leap.

Sharpe ratios greater than 1 is good. It means that you make more than you risk. That’s the bare minimum to make trading worth while. As you can imagine, sharpe ratio of 2 is excellent. For every percent of return you make, you’re only risking half a percent. And finally, a sharpe ratio of 3 is world class. You can do a lot with a sharpe ratio of 3 or higher. But, as you can imagine, it is rare. As of the writing of this article, google tells me that the sharpe ratio of the S&P 500 is 1.25.

So how does this deal with BIG gains?

When I see people smile with their big 200% returns, 400% returns, I’m happy for them. However, I’m also wondering how much risk they took to get those big gains. For someone with 100% returns

  • If they have a sharpe ratio of 1, they’re actually risking 100% or more to get that 100%. They might wipe out in the next investment cycle
  • If they have a sharpe ratio of 2, they’re risking about 50% of their investment at any moment in time. If they become unlucky and lose that 50%, they’ll need 100% to get back to break even. But if they lose 50% twice (or if they have a 2 standard deviation move), that’s 75-100% loss. That’s a wipe out! Near impossible to come back.
  • If they have a sharpe ratio of 3, they’re risking 30% of their investment at any moment in time. This is a bit better. But that still implies that a 2 standard deviation move is a 60% loss.

This is why all the crypto investing made me cringe. Having such high volatility allowing people to have BIG gains also came with a lot of risk. It’s clear that a lot of people in crypto were very unaware of the true risks. I’m not against trading crypto. I’m against trading without knowing the true risks.

Here is the psychological component to all of this:

Nearly every new investor looks at the possible gains. That’s understandable, expected, and normal. Why would you get into trading if you didn’t believe you could make big gains in the first place? 

However, nearly every new investor does not look at the risk that is needed to achieve those gains. This is why these investors are called “new” or “naïve”. It’s a rookie mistake. As a result, many new investors and traders get swayed by charlatan stock trading programs of “make 1% a day for a year” or “make 400% return with XYZ asset”. 

How much do you want to make? How do you make BIG gains? Here’s your psychological toolbox to achieve just that:

Answer those questions and you won’t be blind sighted on your path towards success!

How do you achieve the skill for a sharpe ratio above 1, and hopefully, 3 someday? You need the right education. You need to practice and you need to learn from people who have accomplished these things. This is where psychology ends and the development of your trading process begins:

This where I must highly recommend the Institute for Trading and Portfolio Management (ITPM). They’re not like other charlatan investment programs out there because they don’t promise a specific return. They know they can’t. It would be unethical to do so. The market doesn’t promise returns. It gives you what it has. However, this is what ITPM promises:
  • ✅ You will be taught how to trade like a professional trader
  • ✅ It will be hard work. You need to put in the work.
  • ✅ You will lose money along the way and that is okay
  • ✅ If you are ready, you can sign up to be mentored by a professional trader

I’ve used the program to much success. When I started my ratios were absolute garbage (losing 75% of the time, winning 25% of the time with poor reward to risk ratios). But I improved. At my height, my wins were 66% of the time and 33% of the time with equal reward to risk ratios. These days, I find myself having less percentage winners vs losers but higher reward to risk ratios.

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