Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT)
If you’re here, it means you’re interested in learning more about the Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT). Well, at least, you’re interested in hearing what I have to say about it.
Before I talk about the IPLT, I want to go over the basic structure of the education provided by Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management (ITPM):
ITPM offers mentorship programs with real professional traders who have been successful in making BIG money in their careers. These mentorship programs run for 3 months and you have a selection of mentors all around the world to learn from.
However, it would be silly to just offer mentorship programs without a base foundation. This is true for the student and the mentor. The mentors want to know the student understands the basics of portfolio management, things that aren’t worth teaching over and over again with 1-on-1 attention. The students would probably want to get an idea of what the program is about before spending multiple thousands of dollars.
This is where the online content comes in. There is the:
Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT)
Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM)
Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM)
Professional FOREX Trading Masterclass (PFTM)
Here, I’ll be talking about the Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT) course.
The IPLT is the introductory course on how to trade like a professional. It goes into great detail on two topics:
(1) Retail Traders vs Professional Traders
(2) Volatility
I took this course along with the others. Actually, I took all the online courses as well as did mentorship 2x. I’m telling you that it is all worth it, however, it is only worth it if you understand how it all fits in the big picture.
The IPLT is meant to teach you how to stop the bleeding. If you’re a retail trader, you’re doing things other retail traders do that professional traders will never do. You’re doing what 90% of retail traders do that causes them to lose 90% of their money in 90 days. This statistic is so reliable that Robinhood worked with Citadel capital to take your opposite trade.
Makes sense, right? If you know that retail traders will lose 90% of their money with their bad trading habits, it would make sense to do the exact opposite of them and take 90% of their money in 90 days. All you need are more and more trading accounts to make more money.
So what do Retail Traders do to cause them to have such horrible success rates? And what do professional traders do to ensure such high success rates? That’s what the IPLT is going to teach you. And I’ll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with YOLO trading.
The first part is what ITPM discusses on the internet for 2 hours
But IPLT goes into greater detail about the big machine that brokers use to take your money. That’s right, there’s a big, gigantic industry designed to feed you the dream of making big money in the stock market when, in fact, they’re leading you down a path of losing 90% of your money in 90 days.
How do you know that this program is different? Because it makes you do work. It doesn’t lie to you, telling you trading is easy. And if you don’t like to do work, this program isn’t for you. Which brings me to discuss the next topic.
Volatility is probably the MOST important concept in financial management. Yet, most, if not all, charlatan programs out there talk nothing about it. Volatility is the thing that makes you money, but it is also the thing that destroys your account.
Volatility is a really deep topic and I won’t do it justice here. Needless to say, in the IPLT, 2 out of 10 videos talk about why retail traders are being tricked by the industry and 7 out of 10 of the videos talk about volatility. That’s how important volatility is in the mind of a professional trader. If there is one topic you need to master, it is volatility. And if you control volatility, you will prevent yourself from wiping out.
I really can’t emphasize this enough. I’m going to say it again with a lot of emphasis:
If you control volatility, you will prevent yourself from wiping out.
I need you to let that sink in.
Learning how to trade is a game how “how expensive will my lessons cost me”. If you’re smart, you’ll learn good lessons with small losses.If you’re not too smart, you’ll have losses, never learn your lesson, and keep having more and more losses.
Unfortunately, even if you’re hard working, sometimes it’s hard to figure out what lessons to learn and you end up learning the wrong lessons. What kind of wrong lessons?
Oh shoot, I should have taken profits because the stock went down
Oh shoot, I shouldn’t have taken profits because the stock kept going up
Damn, my stock got stopped and I missed the rally back, stop orders are stupid
I should have waited to get the “real” bottom
Why are these the wrong lessons? Because all of these mistakes could simply be events that happened due to “Volatility”. By mastering volatility, you’ll be able to prevent from wiping out.
What does it mean when you never wipe out? It means you are learning. It means every single day you get better. It means that it is only a matter of time before you start getting the flow of what needs to be done, developing your own rules and guidelines for how to be a consistently profitable trader. It means that you don’t get knocked out of the game because you had 100% of your money in TSLA and it tanked on you.
If you don’t get knocked out of the game, you can grow. And if you can grow, you can grow into a consistently profitable trader.
That’s what the IPLT is. Anton Kreil, the founder of ITPM, designed the IPLT to make sure that anyone who watched it would be able to trade forever, without wiping out, and grow. Sure, the PTM, POTM, and PFTM are also good courses to take. Those courses teach you how to make money. The IPLT are defensive lessons to help you play the game forever.