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The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management (ITPM)

The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management (ITPM) is an organized founded by Anton Kreil, a former Goldman Sachs Trader.

He decided at the age of 13 that he wanted a better life and he had to get out. He spent the next 5 years planning and building that dream. He moved out of the family at 18 and went to University to achieve his dream of becoming a trader for a top Investment Bank in London.

At only 20 years old, he was invited by Goldman Sachs to attend interviewed and got the job, a year before Graduation. During his tie at Goldman Sachs, he quickly made a reputation for himself as a trader that took big risks, spotted trades that others missed or haven't considered, and built a successful franchise trading business. Word spread and he was recruited by Lehman Brothers to build the number one ranked European Trading Francise there. And from there, he was recruited by JP Morgan to become Vice President of their Pan European Trading Desk.

But none of that mattered…

Something was off for Anton…

He became disillusioned with the industry.

He found that there was a major brain drain in the city. Many of his peers had little talent and were being hired to makeup numbers.

Their abilities no longer justified the money they were being paid.

They were just going long the market, regardless of the risks. It was irresponsible.

He then left JP Morgan and bought a round the world airline ticket.

He sold everything he had in 2 months, his apartment, his investments at home, everything. All cash.

He had two bags of clothes for South Africa.

He decided to create his own destiny.

While traveling he found himself. He had time to think in different and new environments.

He found something special in his travels. A common theme among everyone.

People in countries with nothing, with no hope the future like the lives in western economies, for some reason, they were willing to give the shirts off their backs to help him.

These people were happy, much happier than his multimillionaire friends.

During that time, Anton got back in touch with his genuine childhood dream.

He was inspired to create something special…

and control his own destiny.

Anton understood how the Retail Trading industry worked.

He saw how Charlatan Traders convince hard working, kind, loving everyday people to do very stupid things in markets, all for a quick buck

He saw how most retail traders, retail traders like you, just got poor education. That, through no fault of your own, you just weren't properly educated on the appropriate way to trade…

You just weren't educated on how to trade the right way.

You weren't educated on how true professional traders trade.

And instead, you are taught to BUY MORE SCREENS!!!

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