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Get the right Education.

ITPM offers 1 introductory program on trading and 3 main programs.







But I warn you, this isn't your $10, $30, or $300 program you see other “gurus” sell you.

This isn't a $20 “market wizards” book that promises you'll be able to understand charting and technical analysis for consistent profits.

This isn't a $30-$100 a month subscription to copy other people's trades.

This also isn't some crypto pump and dump scheme.

This is serious education that isn't easy to get or replicate.

Do you think college teaches you how to trade like a professional trader? Unlikely. But that got you into $100k or more worth of debt.

How about an MBA at Wharton? How many Top traders do MBAs produce every year on a consistent basis? How much do they charge? $300,000??

Did those students get their money's worth?

How much would you pay for education that could bring you consistent returns the same way professional traders do?

How much would you pay for education that can turn your investment account into your own personal hedge fund?

You'd probably pay even MORE than $300,000. And it would be worth it.

In fact, Anton could probably charge MILLIONS to train a team to make insane returns for various investment firms, hedge funds, or other pools of capital.

He already did

Instead, he priced his online products at a rate to weed out those that are serious about trading like a professional traders from those that just want to buy “more screens”.

Monitors go from cheap $100 models to large $900 models with most people purchasing $300 models.

Don't buy more computer screens.

Either buy the Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT) for $1,299 (12 month access)

Or Buy the Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM) for $1,900 (1 month access) or $3,499 (12 month access).

That's 4 screens for the IPLT and 7 screens for the PTM!

Okay…Maybe you still want to buy a screen. If you purchase the 12 month PTM for $3,499, I'll give you a 20% discount with this code. That's $700 to buy yourself

  • 1 high end screen at $700
  • 2 mid-tier screen at $300 each
  • Or even 7 low end screens at $100 each

It's my way of saying thanks for reading this far.

What do you get with these programs?

The Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT)is your best first step on your path to trading like a professional trader.

✅   You will learn the difference between professional traders and retail traders

✅  You will be taught how to master Volatility

What's Volatility?

  • Volatility is the BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM
  • The thing that makes you BIG MONEY
  • And the thing that makes you LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY if you don't treat it with respect

When you master Volatility, you'll never be knocked out of the game with a catastrophic loss you can never recover from.

Sign up for IPLT at 20% off Using the link, the 20% off code will be automatically applied to checkout with coupon code - ipltericc20pct

The first flagship Course is theProfessional Trading Masterclass (PTM) Video Series

✅   You will learn in greater detail how professional traders understand markets

✅   You will learn about the intimate relationship between the Economy and Financial markets

✅   You will learn about important Leading Indicators that signal when bull markets or bear markets will start or reverse

✅   You will learn about the foundations of Long/Short portfolios so you can make BIG money in both Bull AND Bear markets

✅   You will learn about the Trade Idea Generation Process

✅   You will learn about Trading Psychology and Risk management

✅   And you will learn how to treat trading like a business to bring in consistent cash flow to your account

✅  You can't get this material from school

Sign up for PTM at 20% off Using the link, The 20% off code will be automatically applied to checkout with coupon code - ptmericc20pct

If you spend this money now, you'll make it back from all the mistakes you won't make as an unconsciously incompetent retail trader as well as all the gains you'll make from trading like a professional trader.

Also, every dollar you spend on the ITPM online courses will be credited back to you if you decide to do a 3 month 1:1 Mentorship program with a professional trader.

That's right. Anton Kreil isn't just selling a course. He's creating an institution, a society.

This is your path:

  1. Take the Online Course
  2. Join the Study Hall Discord to meet other traders just like you learning the same professional trader process
  3. Do a 3 month 1:1 Mentorship Program where all the money you spent in 1 is credited back to you
  4. Profit for the rest of your life with real trading education.








If you do anything else, kiss your money goodbye.

20% off if you use this discount code:

And go buy yourself some extra screens with the saved money.

Choose my program at 20% off trending_flat
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